January 30, 2015

People and stupidity

The words seem to go well together don't you think? I mean like people are dumb; like all the time; it's like so annoying; like saying filler words like like, like all the time.

And by the way if you ever want to see some disturbing images look up "People doing stupid stuff" or "People looking funny" or anything basically of the like. It took forever to get a clean image. Yes I consider this a clean image.

If you don't consider this a 'clean' image then you should
a) tell your parents your on a stranger's blog
b) not be on here
c) go back to pre-k
d) don't bother me about it.

Okay? Sorry I just find it annoying if people say I'm being 'inappropriate' when I'm not.

Okay moving on to stupid people

  Eating moldy, deteriorating, or otherwise inedible without serious repercussions food. Just why. And people find this amusing?! Okay well the face is cute, but I don't think this is real bread. I just thought I'd try to tell stupid people out there (including myself, I ate bread that had been sitting in the fridge for a month and didn't smell right) a gentle lesson so that they don't have to look at vomit later!

Trying to lift weights that are too heavy! start out small and don't kill youself on that first work out. You need to work your way up to those five hundred pound lifts. You can also seriously hurt and strain your muscles. A basic understanding of anatomy and the body's systems may be helpful.

People trying to fly. 1) It won't work. 2) you aren't a bird. 3) you aren't doing a courtship dance! Seriously you should know this will not work. People were not meant to fly without some assistance.

This applies to any real human being! Falling in love with someone. It's awkward, hard, but in the end if it works out for you (GREAT) then worth it.....

January 29, 2015

Mythical Creature Zorua

This is a tricky fox pokemon. It can transform into its opponent and at times will even transform into a human. It loves to joke with people, and it is very intelligent.Its evault form is zoraurk, but honestly who would want this pokemon to evolve? Nothing against Zoroark however seeing as they are amazing pokemon.

I do have a particular liking for this pokemon and I think most of us went through a phase where pokemon are the most amazing thing on earth. So for this Dark type pokemon post its lights out.

January 27, 2015

Mythical Creature

So just because I've had a stroke of inspiration from an rpg I'm doing and I really like them I will probably be doing several posts, each on a mythical creature. These aren't in any particular order, but I'm just going to share on with you. For Now.


It is a creature  of legend
  Anyway a woman's head, lion's body, eagle wings. It can be portrayed positively or negatively. I find it very interesting. Though when I first read about it I was also in a pokemon phase and unfortunately always pictured it as a suicune with a woman's face.

     So you are seeing the problem?

Anyway, that's my mythical creature!

January 23, 2015

Wolf Pups

So there are these amazingly cute creatures called wolf pups. Now there are also fox kits, and bear cubs, and kittens, and puppies, and hundreds of other cute animals. Though as far as cute animals, my love of wolves has compelled me to say here are some amazingly cute little wolf pups!


Now I bet you feel better knowing that ordinarily humans bear birth to one. There are six wolf pups in this picture. Wolves share the responsibility of raising young within a pack, but generally a care taker is present. Still six is a handful!

Wolf pups have blue eyes that fade along with their puppy coat. Grey wolves all have a grey undercoat while their outer coat determines their color. A pup's blue eyes will mature also. But they sure do look cute with those blue eyes!


While these pups are by no means grown up they are a lot bigger. Still they're really cute. You can see now their coat colors maturing, and you can also see that they are losing some of their more puppy features.


Aww, here we have a baby stage. The puppies are obviously not extremely young, but they are definitely still very young.


This wolfie is starting to look more like an adolecent. Wolves don't fully mature though until two years (sexual maturity).

And then of course anime wolf pups can be extremely adorable or some of them seem to have a darker side. (Thank you to whoever artist I stole this from).

but of course; we're all pups at heart!

January 20, 2015

Annoyingly Good Writing

Yes, it exists. There are people whose books I have read and actually thought
HOW Are These People That Good. Now I'm not jealous (okay, okay, I am) but I do want to know what gives these people the right to be this good. To literally have perfectly believable character development, ease you into the plot, and turn even the most cliche and anti-normal thing into something you can relate to and feel yourself? I literally am stumped and even tried to write a little more, but it just didn't work.

Anyway, there is a name for a flowery style of writing called purple prose.

Now they say a picture is worth a thousand words, but the thing is when you actually write one thousand words per picture and about 2000 meaningless words in between filled with something that is difficult to get the brain around then it's just meaningless.

Anyway there is really good writing which is a balance of a good plot, talented author, and just right amounts of description. Mixed of course with controversy and character development.

that is good writing and I'm still not really good at it.

To give you an example of me trying to write purple prose.

The thoughts swirled like murky water sinking into a drain into the dredges of what was. Everything around blinded by what - and I say this sarcastically -  was not seen. Everything was blurred as thoughts became sharper and then the process went against itself so nothing was ever clear and nothing was ever mud and everything was in between.

Whew I can't write like that, but you can see it's hard to even understand what is happening or anything, now imagine if you can twenty paragraphs written like that! Anyway it was about a girl who was sitting on a bus staring out a window bored.

January 18, 2015

Martin Luther King

It is that day. It is that time. It is that man; who forever would change the course of History in the U.S.A.. So I'm going to point out right away- He is a highly inspirational person, and as lame as it sounds I have heard clips of him speaking. It has made my bones shake, it has made my skin crawl, and I felt a glimmer of what I believe to be pride in this even though I am only reaping the benefits of that fight. Of living in a world that others worked so hard to create.

Thank you.

To someone who did not try to hurt those who had hurt him. Rather to seek peace with his own personal struggles for freedoms.

 Who sought beyond peace, to co-existence that should not have to be asked in the first place. He sought something greater. (that was a guess)

For someone who did not only speak for those who did not, but gave the courage to others to do so as well.


Who had a dream; not only for himself but for all. And chased it down.


Here is a glimmer of a great man....

 Thank you for those who read.

January 15, 2015

Blogger vs Images

So blogger and images work pretty well together; upload them from your computer, a website, or even just copy and paste them. In fact they're so easy to use that you will see them in lots of blogs. They are helpful videos and in vlogs they are awesome for video.
People love to be able to see what the person is talking about and I will admit it is awesome. So why with all of this it is still annoying to edit and move on blog? Well because it's just so comprehensive. It's so easy that it's too reactive to every little thing. It's so easy to move that that spirit thing? It took multiple tries and I had to get it in the right order no cut and paste of words and moving things around or else everything was messed up.
So when things are more than one image it gets kind of messy. Anyway that's my rant about images. Plus the format and how it fits on your blog. You have to constantly preview and then you can't undo because it just saved it! Anywho. I don't know really what to say about this except the fact that while awesome


And because I'm awesome I'm going to answer a completely random question. (that's what I typed into the search).  From this link.

40) Are you a good comedian?

No; I can't tell a joke with a straight face. So sometimes internet jokes are much more effective to this purpose. Also I just don't know how to say some crude but funny jokes and have a hard time understanding them myself. Often times I will not remember the correct delivery anyway making anything afterwards coming out of my mouth really really stupid (and not in a funny way).

January 14, 2015

What Is The Purpose Of The Color Purple

It used to be for royalty due to the fact that it was a hard dye to make. It was considered a color for kings and very rich people. But now, everyone has it:

And it seems the color purple just isn't that special anymore. I mean so many people have it and love it, and of course aesthetically it may have something to do with royalty.

 But what is so special about purple now when only traces of such a world exist. Now almost everyone in the U.S.A could own something purple.

Of course there is a factor that the color is neither 'childish' or an adult color, with many shades for any gender, age, race, or species (hey I don't judge.)

So is this why purple is so special?

Hmm well I don't know...because.....

A) I don't really care ;)
B) my favorite color is


Ha ha, evidently males see green and females see yellow and it depends upon other things, but I wanted to see how people would react (because I totally have hidden cameras in your computers or devices).

Ha ha
Anyway there's my bad blog post for a little while!

January 13, 2015

I'm Writing A Book So....

Anyway so I'm writing a book currently, well to be honest a novella. Which is basically a very short book for people who don't want to write 300 pages. I know not all books are that long, but even a measly 100 page book would be difficult for me. (BTW any and all authors have put extreme effort, but I am saying that for a book 100 pages is on the short side...) Anyway, so this was not really the best time to start my blog. The book is about a girl who has the perfect life (cliche I know) and has plans (even more so), but something comes into her life.

I do have a direction for this story and am aiming for a 60,000 word count. Putting that into perspective this post is about 137 words so far, and I am wanting to do about 1,500 words per chapter. So that being said there will be about 42 chapters. Anyway, I will be updating that book, and writing so starting and doing this blog was not really a good idea, and I will either be making no posts or very short and stupid posts like this.

And anyway I decided like my first blog post to do something so this isn't just an update on my life; which honestly isn't that interesting anyways.

(and I'm hoping that you don't notice the chewed up flowers and broken flower pot that I broke while you were away.)

Seriously dogs always get a bad rep for breaking things, but I don't think they are all that bad. Mostly it's just puppies and dogs who are not given good chew toys. My dog though can get nervous and her tail is a weapon of mass destruction! Seriously get in a four foot radius or else.

Despite that fact I'm fairly sure that it's a fake rose because it has no thorns and the color is a little off.

However it is a really cute picture and I think that if you love someone whether it's for a boy or a girl a rose is a simple, cheap, sweat, and symbolic gift to give!

Writers Block and Obsession

So I have this problem where I'll start a piece and be enamored with it for a certain amount of time and then I lose the drive and can't write. I don't know where to begin or end or how to do the middle. The entire piece and everything I write seems hasty and too short. My first chapters could be long and then suddenly these chapters will be ridiculously short. They also start looking like I cut and paste my other chapters and just changed a few things. The piece dies, then I go off and do something else that I can obsess over, and often times these obsessions will last from a line to a page. The exception is a 13 page fanfiction for the lion king I wrote. Lion King I'm sorry for the amount of errors, I'm using wordpad, and I don't usually check my spelling.

While I have an obsession I will be immersed in my writing and then suddenly have no direction; say it's terrible and then quit.

Anyway there are three reasons that I find I stop writing:
1) writing block
2) I started writing because of  book I am reading
3) I go long periods without writing

For the first one, just take a short one hour break to watch a funny video, relax or do something else. There are many solutions and you can look them up. You could also look at inspiration photos or pictures of things that you find relaxing or like.

For the second one I just suggest you drop the writing. Writing off someone else can be problematic due to the fact that you are your own person and should not try to copy someone else. Or you could make this a 'fallback' piece that you write when you have nothing else.

For the last one then I would try to avoid, but if you have to: try to ease back into your plot. Create new characters. Is there a part of your story you want to revise? Revise it

January 12, 2015

Spirit Stallion Of The Cimarron

Spirit Stallion of the Cimarron


So this is one of my favorite movies, and for a Disney movie it definitely tops the cake. It is comparable to the quality usually found in novels to the point of emotional complexity, twists and turns, action, self discovery, and a good amount of personal growth.

                                                                                                ^ Like any good movie it has an amazing protagonist. He is both brash and wise. He is open. You can see his faults, but can also feel his character almost as well as in a book. In the end he comes down to one simple word... (Spirit)
^ In the story he is a wild mustang, and I can really feel and see that. Here is is racing with the eagle and being friends with it. Carefree and reckless. This is his personality in the photo, but in the next picture...


V Here in this picture he is defending his herd from a mountain lion. He shows a great amount of responsibility, and bravery. It shows how he took responsibility for his herd along with a great love of them. It's an important aspect that will also be shown. Taking a bullet for someone else, and not leaving them behind something that not everybody has.
                                                                   ^To  elaborate upon this protector aspect of him wild horses can be and are vicious. They are free and wild and will express this. There are times when even the benevolent Spirit is vicious and portrayed in the manner of a wild horse. This is another part of him. And while yes in many's eyes he did it in self defense and did the right thing you have to accept that he can be dangerous and just like many humans hateful.      V  Here we introduce two more main characters. A Lakota Indian, and a female horse named Rain. (I forget which part of the movie we learn her name....) They are both highly influential in his life and story. The Lakota or Little Creek is someone he grows a friendship with and shows his ability to go against his original prejudices. That man was evil due to the fact that in his first interaction they tried to break him, and it was rather cruel.                               ^ In this image you see Rain and Little Creek together. It kind of highlights a ^ In this image you see Rain and Little Creek together. It kind of highlights a bond that is possible between the two. A much more accepted bond than Spirit's and Little Creek's. While Little Creek only actually rides Spirit Once in a life or death situation where Spirit is actually saving him Rain and Little Creek are true partners. This is an attack on his Indian Village. Here he is fighting with Rain, and their entrance into the battle is actually pretty spectacular                              
And because no Disney movie would be complete without it Spirit and Rain have a relationship. At first Spirit is seen as the only one interested (which is awesome for all you people who like girls who are hard to get ;)). You get to see a different side of him, as well as a more romantic side shown when he: Saves Rain jumping in after her in the water. Tries not to leave her when he is being dragged away to work on the railroad. When he finally accepts being tied to her and then begins to accept the life that she has chosen versus his wild life. And he also grabs her an apple that she wants but can't reach, which sounds dumb, but is actually comparable to that scene in a romantic movie where the man puts his jacket out so the woman doesn't have to step on the mud. She is not as much of a main character as Little Creek or Spirit, but she is good friends with both, and actually has some part in the movie.


^ Here is an ending scene where Spirit, Little Creek, and Rain are all together. The ending is rather bittersweet as Little Creek and Spirit are very good friends, and besides calling him Mustang Little Creek finally gives Spirit his name accepting the horse is a free spirit and a good friend calling him "The Spirit that can never be broken." And they have to part ways. Along with this Little Creek parts with Rain and she with him so that she can be with Spirit. Showing huge sacrifice on his part, and a maturity that is not the same as the 'boy' that Spirit calls him in a friendly condescending.

^ There is another character who is very important the eagle. He is the first main character to appear and symbolizes the old west and is Spirit's friend and actually is the first to welcome him back home. I don't know much about the eagle though. But hope you like the picture.

^ A character who is often passed up or gone over too much is Spirit's mom. Because he would have to overthrow his father to become leader his father is not present and his mother is the leading matriarch of the Cimarron herd until Spirit grew up and when he was away growing into the end character. She loves Spirit and is a beautiful horse. I actually do not know that much about her, but there she is with foal spirit.

V In this image a very important character and really the only voiced Antagonist is shown. I don't think he was given a name, but was portrayed in a rather negative manner going so far as to make him fairly cruel. However he has shown true maturity and there is a blatantly honest way to him not shown in many Disney movies. He is of high rank in the U.S. Army, and is really a good leader capable of making decisions. He is intent upon breaking Spirit's Spirit, but in the end when they do the 'impossible' together actually makes the decision to allow Little Creek and Spirit to live when he could have had them killed. He showed a kind of honor and depth of character not usually present in antagonists, so here he is facing off with Spirit.

^ I do think it is worth mentioning however that there was a point in time when he truly did feel he had been broken. He saw his old home, missed it and began to lose faith. During a crucial time he was beginning to die inside. He despaired, and separated himself from those who had hope. He had been returned to the 'enemy' and he had lost Rain. He had nothing, and no hope of seeing his family again. He didn't see the sky or the eagle. He could only imagine seeing his family or a glimmer of the life he had.
Of course like any good hero in disney he rose to the challenge and with the help of others who needed his strength, leadership, and hope he rose to the challenge. Freeing the horses, and stopping the railway from reaching his home land 'the old west.'

^ The army demonstrated how they tried to break their horses. They clipped his mane like you see now and tried to tame him. Then you see the Indians, and the difference is obvious the horses aren't all brown, uniform, and tired. They are happy, and laughing, and different with personality and obviously want Spirit to enjoy that too. Not realizing he wouldn't really fit in anyway except with Little Creek as a complete equal and friend.

^ And because I love that you guys have actually read this far this is spirit as a foal. He is very cute, and the movie actually shows some of his colt years and the herd that he grew up in. It shows the young him where he learned to be wild, different, arrogant, brash, and incredibly brave.

V If you haven't figured it out yet Spirit is also a character much like many humans; a sense of humor and attitude. He rolls his eyes and acts like a teenager at times. He can be quite huffy and that is another dimension to him. :)

V So now if you're like me; AWESOME MOVIE, I want the sequel. But it was not popular enough to make a sequel, but it would have been with Rain and Spirit's child, Storm. Here is a picture I found on Google so we all know that it is just a speculation but someone was amazing enough (I swear not me.) to upload and take the time to draw it. I think the other may be more accurate but you choose.

Anyway it was an amazing movie and even if there was not sequel (:() then watch it. I hope you liked the blog post and you like the movie.