January 20, 2015

Annoyingly Good Writing

Yes, it exists. There are people whose books I have read and actually thought
HOW Are These People That Good. Now I'm not jealous (okay, okay, I am) but I do want to know what gives these people the right to be this good. To literally have perfectly believable character development, ease you into the plot, and turn even the most cliche and anti-normal thing into something you can relate to and feel yourself? I literally am stumped and even tried to write a little more, but it just didn't work.

Anyway, there is a name for a flowery style of writing called purple prose.

Now they say a picture is worth a thousand words, but the thing is when you actually write one thousand words per picture and about 2000 meaningless words in between filled with something that is difficult to get the brain around then it's just meaningless.

Anyway there is really good writing which is a balance of a good plot, talented author, and just right amounts of description. Mixed of course with controversy and character development.

that is good writing and I'm still not really good at it.

To give you an example of me trying to write purple prose.

The thoughts swirled like murky water sinking into a drain into the dredges of what was. Everything around blinded by what - and I say this sarcastically -  was not seen. Everything was blurred as thoughts became sharper and then the process went against itself so nothing was ever clear and nothing was ever mud and everything was in between.

Whew I can't write like that, but you can see it's hard to even understand what is happening or anything, now imagine if you can twenty paragraphs written like that! Anyway it was about a girl who was sitting on a bus staring out a window bored.

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